We modulate astrocytic activity in brain slices and in-vivo to test their contribution to neuronal plasticity and memory processes
Astrocytes encode the location of reward
We use 2-photon microscopy to image astrocytes, and see how they are involved in reward perception
Imaging Memory
We image neuronal activity in recent and remote memory of mice behaving in a virtual reality.
Astrocytes and neurons in behavior
We manipulate neuronal and glial activity in behaving mice using optogenetic and chemogenetic tools to examine the involvement of these cells in recent and remote memory
CLARITY of recent and remote memory
We map the ensembles of recent and remote memory in clear brains
Glial modulation
We are continuously creating and optimizing new viral tools aimed to deliver optogenetic and pharmacogenetic agents into glial cells
Our Toys
We use state of the art molecular, electrophysiological, imaging and behavioral tools. CLICK TO SEE
Astrocytic Heterogeneity
"Astrocytes" - one word for a big family... we are using state of the art molecular biology techniques to define astrocytic sub-populations, and understand their unique contributions to physiology.