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Other Things...

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Yael finishes her B.Sc. with distinction!
(June 2023)

Adi Doron wins the "Paper of the year" ELSC award.
No wonder...  (June 2023)

The lab is awarded the ERC Consolidator grant! (January 2023)


Inbal wins the Rector Prize for Excellence in Research  (September 2022)

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Celebrating Ron and Adi's paper!  (July 2021)

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Adi's PhD talk  (June 2022)

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Celebrating Adi's Nature paper!  (June 2022)

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Adi Kol wins (again!) the "Paper of the year" ELSC award.
No wonder...    (June 2020)

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Adi and Adi represent the lab at SFN in Chicago. 

                              (October 2019)

Zoom celebration (covid...) of the Nature Neuroscience paper.    (April 2020)

Adi Kol is awarded the JBC Gold PhD Fellowship in Brain Research. 

                   (August 2019)

Adi Kol is awarded the Nitza Ilan Prize in Electrophysiology                              (May 2019)

The lab is awarded the ERC starting grant! (July 2018)

And its second ISF grant.                     (July 2018)

And a Canada-Israel grant (With Keith Murai @ McGill)     (August 2018)

Inbal is selected as a FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence Scholar                                   (July 2018)

Adi Kol and Adar win  the "Paper of the year" ELSC award.

No wonder...    (June 2018)

Adi Kol is selected as one of 9 graduate and postoc students from Europe for the EBBS event @ FENS. (Berlin, July 2018)

Adar is awarded the Adams Felololarship (April 2018)

The lab moved into the new Goodman Building. (May 2018)

Tom wins the "JBC Golden Opportunity" scholarship (March 2017)

Talia wins the "JBC Golden Opportunity" scholarship (January 2017)

Adi Doron is awarded the Rector Prize for outstanding students (February 2017)

Adi Doron is awarded the Azrieli Fellowship

(June 2017)

Henrike won the bronze medal in the blitz poster presentation competetion

At the JBC retreat in Mizpe Ramon.

Yanir and Anat publish a book chapter 

"Advancing fear memory research with Optogenetics"


Henrike Meets with the President of Germany, Joachim Gauck 

And we all learn, for the first time, that Germany has a president...


The G-lab is chosen to represent the Hebrew University in the 2013 Presidential Conference.

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