
Adamsky A*, Kol A*, Kreisel T, Doron A, Ozeri-Engelhard N, Melcer T, Refaeli R, Horn H, Regev L, Groysman M, London M, Goshen I.
Astrocytic activation generates de novo neuronal potentiation and memory enhancement.
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Cell: Covelo A, Araque A. (2018). Stimulating astrocytes to remember. 174(1):12-13
Faculty of 1000: Sala, C (2018). Rated "Exceptional". #eval793548051.

Daadi MM, Klausner JQ, Bajar B, Goshen I, Lee-Messer C, Lee SY, Winge MC, Ramakrishnan C, Lo M, Sun G, Deisseroth K, Steinberg GK. (2016). Optogenetic Stimulation of Neural Grafts Enhances Neurotransmission and Downregulates the Inflammatory Response in Experimental Stroke Model. Cell Transplant. 25(7):1371-80

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Faculty of 1000: Four reviews: Giocomo L, Moser E (2011) rated "Exceptional", Hawk J, Abel T (2011) rated "Must Read", Sahay A (2012) rated "Exceptional", Holzman D and Bero A (2012) rated "Exceptional".

Yizhar O, Fenno LE, Prigge M, Schneider F, Davidson TJ, O'Shea DJ, Sohal VS, Goshen I, Finkelstein J, Paz JT, Stehfest K, Fudim R, Ramakrishnan C, Huguenard JR, Hegemann P, Deisseroth K. (2011). Neocortical excitation/inhibition balance in information processing and social dysfunction. Nature 477(7363):171-8.

Ounallah-Saad H, Beeri R, Goshen I, Yirmiya R, Renbaum P, Levy-Lahad E, (2009). Transcriptional regulation of the murine Presenilin-2 gene reveals similarities and differences to its human orthologue. Gene 446(2):81-89.

Ben-Menachem-Zidon O, Goshen I, Kreisel T, Ben-Menachem Y, Reinhartz E, Ben Hur T, Yirmiya R. (2008). Intrahippocampal transplantation of transgenic neural precursor cells overexpressing interleukin-1 receptor antagonist blocks chronic isolation-induced impairment in memory and neurogenesis. Neuropsychopharmacology 33(9):2251-62.

Wolf G, Yirmiya R, Kreisel T, Goshen I, Weidenfeld J, Poole S, Shavit Y. (2007). Interleukin-1 signaling modulates stress-induced analgesia. Brain, Behavior and Immunity 21(5):652-9.

Shavit Y, Wolf G, Goshen I, Livshits D, Yirmiya R. (2005). Interleukin-1 antagonizes morphine analgesia and underlies morphine tolerance. Pain 115(1-2):50-59.

Weidenfeld J, Itzhik A, Goshen I, Yirmiya R, Ben-Hur T. (2005). Role of the central amygdala in modulating the pituitary-adrenocortical and clinical responses in experimental herpes simplex virus-1 encephalitis. Neuroendocrinology. 81(4): 267-272.

Wolf G, Yirmiya R, Goshen I, Iverfeldt K, Holmlund L, Takeda K, Shavit Y. (2003). Impairment of Interleukin-1 (IL-1) signaling reduces baseline pain sensitivity in mice: genetic, pharmacological and developmental aspects. Pain 104:471-480.

Barak O, Goshen I, Ben-Hur T, Weidenfeld J, Taylor AN, Yirmiya R. (2002). Involvement of brain cytokines in the neurobehavioral disturbances induced by HIV-1 glycoprotein120. Brain Research, 933:98-108.

Pollak Y, Orion E, Goshen I, Ovadia H, Yirmiya R. (2002) Experimental
autoimmune encephalomyelitis-associated behavioral syndrome as a model of ‘depression due to multiple sclerosis’. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 16:533-543.

Barak O, Weidenfeld J, Goshen I, Ben-Hur T, Taylor AN, Yirmiya R. (2002). Intracerebral HIV-1 glycoprotein 120 produces sickness behavior and pituitary-adrenal activation in rats: role of prostaglandins. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 16:720-735.

Pollak Y, Ovadia H, Goshen I, Gurevich R, Monsa K, Avitsur R, Yirmiya R. (2000). Behavioral aspects of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 104:31-36.

Ounallah-Saad H, Beeri R, Goshen I, Yirmiya R, Renbaum P, Levy-Lahad E, (2009). Transcriptional regulation of the murine Presenilin-2 gene reveals similarities and differences to its human orthologue. Gene 446(2):81-89.

Wolf G, Yirmiya R, Kreisel T, Goshen I, Weidenfeld J, Poole S, Shavit Y. (2007). Interleukin-1 signaling modulates stress-induced analgesia. Brain, Behavior and Immunity 21(5):652-9.

Shavit Y, Wolf G, Goshen I, Livshits D, Yirmiya R. (2005). Interleukin-1 antagonizes morphine analgesia and underlies morphine tolerance. Pain 115(1-2):50-59.

Weidenfeld J, Itzhik A, Goshen I, Yirmiya R, Ben-Hur T. (2005). Role of the central amygdala in modulating the pituitary-adrenocortical and clinical responses in experimental herpes simplex virus-1 encephalitis. Neuroendocrinology. 81(4): 267-272.

Wolf G, Yirmiya R, Goshen I, Iverfeldt K, Holmlund L, Takeda K, Shavit Y. (2003). Impairment of Interleukin-1 (IL-1) signaling reduces baseline pain sensitivity in mice: genetic, pharmacological and developmental aspects. Pain 104:471-480.

Barak O, Goshen I, Ben-Hur T, Weidenfeld J, Taylor AN, Yirmiya R. (2002). Involvement of brain cytokines in the neurobehavioral disturbances induced by HIV-1 glycoprotein120. Brain Research, 933:98-108.

Pollak Y, Orion E, Goshen I, Ovadia H, Yirmiya R. (2002) Experimental
autoimmune encephalomyelitis-associated behavioral syndrome as a model of ‘depression due to multiple sclerosis’. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 16:533-543.

Barak O, Weidenfeld J, Goshen I, Ben-Hur T, Taylor AN, Yirmiya R. (2002). Intracerebral HIV-1 glycoprotein 120 produces sickness behavior and pituitary-adrenal activation in rats: role of prostaglandins. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 16:720-735.

Pollak Y, Ovadia H, Goshen I, Gurevich R, Monsa K, Avitsur R, Yirmiya R. (2000). Behavioral aspects of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 104:31-36.